Welcome to AfroDuisburg

Welcome to AfroDuisburg. This is a website for Africans in Duisburg to get targeted information on issues of concern.

This website will see continous development targeting our activities mostly centered around "KOMM-AN NRW" sponsored projects

In 2018, we started with the development of this website to provide a Refugee Guide to Africans in the state of North Rhein Westphalia.

Latest News

Newsletter for newcommers in Duisburg - Register now

Published 03.06.2021

New imageGood news for Africans in Duisburg and its surroundings. Within the framework of the African Impulse project "Orientation for newly immigrated Africans in Duisburg and the surrounding area", we have developed a newsletter system to provide you with relevant information which might help you in your orientation and integration in the city and community.

The states and cities, especially the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the city of Duisburg, regularly provide information on various topics of interests to newly immigrated Africans. They do this through various information channels. We are stepping in to select such information and providing them to you via our newsletters or flyers.

click on this link to register and start receiving information.

Project - Orientation for newly immigrated Africans in Duisburg and the surrounding area

Published 16.04.2021

New imageFinding orientation in a new environment is what everyone tries to do when they are new to a city. Especially for Africans, they mostly turn to their friends and relatives for this information. While they may receive useful information regarding some practical aspects of their daily life, it may be difficult to obtain information that will help them find social bearings and get along in their new environment.

The states and cities, especially the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the city of Duisburg, regularly provide information about such possibilities in their various information channels. The city of Duisburg is also actively looking for community leaders to convey this information. In times of the coronavirus pandemic in particular, much more information is being disseminated to the public. Sometimes this information does not reach newcomers. Sometimes there is too much information, especially since the information is updated frequently. This information can be difficult for someone new to the country to obtain. It can also be difficult for them to understand this information if it is not available in compact form and in a language they understand.

With this project we would like to create flyers that contain information in English and German, which give newcomers, especially in Duisburg, useful, targeted information that will make it easier for them to orientate themselves in their new environment and to integrate easily in society. We are seting up a newsletter system and a database with the e-mail addresses of African newcomers so that we can send them regular monthly newsletters with the necessary information and updates from the city of Duisburg.